Monday, June 7, 2010

2nd Tool: PLNs and Comments

After reading the post on PLNs and commenting, I realized I was more clueless about blogging than I previously thought. I appreciated the article about getting readers to comment on posts. Through posing open-ended questions to encourage conversations and more learning opportunities, a blog really can become a "news" source. Wouldn't it be awesome if parents and teachers could communicate through a class or school blog about their questions or concerns?

Blogs I've commented on:
The Little Blogger that Could
Fatigued Teacher
Glover's Science Emporium
Sherrill's Kindergarten Friends


  1. I totally agree. I think a parent/teacher blog would be great! It would open up a lot of interesting conversations. As teachers (and parents) we are so pressed for time. A blog would make it easier to communicate.

  2. Anything to increase parent/teacher/student communication is a GREAT thing! Too bad that students say their peace on Facebook, parents say their peace on email, and teachers have their colleagues...

  3. I think using a blog to increase school communication is a good idea. It would need to be incorporated in the school's website and I think it would have to be uniform across the district. It would be similar to how our teacher websites are now uniform. While I miss the personalization of the old websites, I see the need for the uniformity from the parents' viewpoints.

  4. I like the idea of using a blog for communication. It would be a great way to let parents know about upcoming events and get their ideas on how to make them more creative.

    I also enjoyed the part about posing open-ended questions. This will be essential in getting anyone to continue a conversation over a blog.

  5. I also was a little clueless about blogging. I guess this was the reason I never followed through with the 23 things. I think if we can use these skills more often, we can all be comfortable with all these things and use them more effectively.
