Friday, June 4, 2010

Tool #1

Tool #1 is completed. I have to admit that after completing this assignment, I feel somewhat like a tool myself. According to the information about avatars, they usually tend to be "alter egos." Honestly, I struggled finding my alter ego. The best I could come up with is who I'd like to be in another life: a beautiful fashionista living it up in Paris, France.

Perhaps, my students will not feel so much like tools when creating avatars. In fact, I know they will have a blast creating their own. I wonder how many avatars a blog can take? One of my goals for this year is to create a class newsletter. Could I create a class blog instead? Each update could include an avatar representing a student of the week with a little blurb about him/her. Hmm... the wheels are turning.

*Update: I changed my voki avatar. She is now a superhero with a laser beam hidden in her necklace. By day, she is a classroom teacher. By night, she fights crime in the Greater Houston area.


  1. That's the whole point of get those wheels turning!

    the idea of a class blog is great! as to how many avatars it will can experiment and find out! There are all kinds of avatars...maybe you would want tohave the kids create ones that are more like pictures (although it is fun when her eyes follow the pointer, isn't it)...and maybe you will find something totally different that you might want to include in your class blog.

  2. There are lots of classes around the world who use blogs (or wikis) to inform others! I think your class would have a great deal of fun with a blog! It might be a good idea to communicate with your parents early in the school year about the blog so they will understand your intentions and may be more likely to allow their childrens names and work online. Avatars are great identifiers for young children in lieu of using their pictures! There are sites to create designs or select animals as avatars. Have fun!

  3. Hi, Ms. Thomas I'm glad to see you are done with tool #8 cool!!!I'm still working with #2. I can not imagine the time I will need to get # 8. Anyway.. I was reading your idea to create avatars to represent the student of the week and I liked it. It will be a funny way to introduce achievements from students. nice!!

  4. Thank you for the suggestion, Karen. I just hope I remember to set up the blog before the school year starts.

    Hello, Mr. Cardenas! You'll get through them. Just keep pushing through. I hope you had a great summer.
